Pio u Maria Vassallo, ma' binthom Lorna (tarbija). Sebgħinjiet. Pio and Maria Vassallo with their daughter Lorna (baby). 1970's
Rikostruzzjoni storika, Medjevali, Mdina, Malta Historical Re-enactment, Medieval, Mdina, Malta
Preżentazzjoni tal-German Film Festival, 2017. Presentation of German Film Festival, Malta, 2017.
Lorna ma' ommha Marija, u ż-żewġ neputijiet, Cyrus u Oscar. Lorna with her mother, Marija and her two nephews, Cyrus and Oscar.
Ritratt tal-Kor stil Gospel EnKor (Lorna tinsab quddiem). Photo with Gospel Choir EnKor (Lorna is at the front)
Jum l-Omm, 2018, Lorna ma' ommha Marija, ħuha Alvin u t-tfal. Mother’s Day 2018, Lorna with her mother Maria, her brother Alvin and the kids.