Become a Volunteer

Kampanja politika hija ferm kumplessa u impenjattiva.  Però hija wkoll mimlija b’esperjenzi, emozzjonijiet, mumenti ta’ gratifikazzjoni, ferħ u elettriċità.  Jekk inti tixtieq taqsam dan kollu ma’ Lorna, nixtiequ niltaqgħu miegħek.  Voluntiera huma meħtieġa f’kull qasam.  Għalhekk, jekk Lorna għenitek jew sempliċement temmen fil-valuri, kwalitajiet, abbiltajiet u sinċerità tagħha ersaq ’il quddiem u għidilna f’liema oqsma inti l-iktar interessat/a li tgħinna.  Għandna bżonn nies li jistgħu jgħinuna:


  • Fil-bejgħ ta’ biljetti tal-attivitajiet
  • Fil-bejgħ tal-biljetti tal-lotterija
  • Preparamenti tal-attivitajiet
  • Insibu sponsors
  • Jagħmlu telefonati
  • Jgħinuna fil-kampanja bieb bieb
  • Xufiera
  • Fotografi
  • Xogħol tal-uffiċċju
  • Xogħol tad-dar


Jekk għandek kwalitajiet oħra mhumiex imsemmijin hawn u xorta temmen li tista’ tgħin, xorta nilqgħuk fit-tim.

Ikkuntattja lil Lorna u t-tim tagħha fuq (Lorna Vassallo Page), ċempel jew ibgħat sms 79443906 jew imejl lil jew billi tuża s-sezzjoni ta’ kuntatt f’dan is-sit elettroniku u għidilna ismek u n-numru tal-mowbajl ħalli nkun nistgħu nirranġaw appuntament miegħek u nsibu l-aħjar mezz kif tista’ tgħinna.


A political campaign is very tiring and complex.  However it is also jam-packed with experiences, emotions, rewarding moments, joy and vibe.  If you want to share all this with Lorna, we would like to meet you.   Volunteers are needed in all fields.  So if Lorna has helped you or if you simply fully believe in her values, qualities, abilities and sincerity just step forward and tell us in which areas you’re interested in helping us in.  We need people who are willing to help us with:


  • Selling activity tickets
  • Selling lottery tickets
  • Preparation for activities
  • Finding sponsors
  • Doing phone calls
  • Door-to-door helpers
  • Drivers
  • Photographers
  • Office work
  • Housework tasks


If you have other qualities which you think could be useful in helping Lorna with her campaign, we still welcome you aboard.


Please contact Lorna and her  team on (Lorna Vassallo Page), phone/sms 79443906 or email or by using the ‘Contact us’ section on this website telling us your name and mobile number and we will fix an appointment with you to find the best way you can help our team.


Inti negozjant, taħdem mid-dar, għandek xi passatemp fejn tipproduċi oġġetti bl-idejn?  M’għandekx ħin tiċċaqlaq imma xorta tixtieq tgħin lil Lorna Vassallo?  Forsi tista’ tgħinna xorta billi tagħtina sponsor? Forsi fil-verità ma tantx tinteressak il-politika imma qed tfittex modi ġodda kif tagħmel reklami b’irħis u tkabbar il-bażi ta’ klijenti tiegħek?  Il-lista ta’ ħwienet u persuni li diġà jisponsorjaw lil Lorna Vassallo hija twila.   Sponsors li jagħtu vawċers/servizzi ta’ valur iktar minn €100 mhux biss jiġu inklużi f’dan is-sit elettroniku iżda jgawdu wkoll minn pubbliċità spissa permezz ta’ posts fuq il-paġna ta’ Facebook ta’ Lorna Vassallo ( li sal-lum tiġi segwita minn madwar għaxart elef u erba’ mitt persuna Maltija jew li toqgħod Malta (10,400+) kif ukoll fuq il-profili tal-Facebook tagħha li jattiraw iktar minn ħamest elef persuna kull wieħed.  Dan meta ċ-ċirkolazzjoni ta’ ħafna mill-gazzetti Maltin ta’ kuljum hija ta’ tlieta u għoxrin (23,000).

Però ebda sponsor ma huwa obbligat li jissemma. Uħud jissemmew fis-sala tal-attivitajiet biss jew saħansitra mar-rebbieħ li rebaħ il-vawċer biss.  Sponsors oħra offrew servizzi b’xejn e.g. trasport b’xejn, għajnuna mill-uffiċċju tagħhom eċċ.  Diversi sponsors minn tagħna diġà rebħu klijenti regulari leali ġodda permezz ta’ rebbieħa waqt attivitajiet ta’ Lorna Vassallo.  Agħti ħarsa lejn il-vawċers ta’ sponsors oħra u iddeċiedi jekk tixtieqx tgħin lil Lorna Vassallo b’dan il-mod.  Normalment l-uffiċċju tagħna jipprepara l-vawċers hu għall-isponsors u għalhekk m’hemmx bżonn li l-vawċers ikunu ppreparati jew iffirmati minnek.

Tista’ tikkuntattjana dwar dan fuq (Lorna Vassallo Page), 79443906 jew jew billi tuża s-sezzjoni ta’ kuntatt f’dan is-sit elettroniku u nikkuntattjawk lura.  Nirringrazzjawk bil-quddiem tal-għajnuna tiegħek.


Are you a businessperson?  Or work from your own home?  Or have a hobby where you produce handcrafts?  You don’t have time to spend outside your home or place of work but would still love to help Lorna Vassallo? Perhaps you could still help us by sponsoring the campaign. Maybe you’re not so interested in politics in reality but you are still seeking cheap ways of advertising and expanding your client base? The list of businesses that sponsor Lorna Vassallo is already a long one.  All sponsors that donate vouchers/services exceeding the value of €100 are not only included on this website but also benefit from frequent posts on Lorna Vassallo’s Facebook Page ( which is liked by more than ten thousand and four hundred (10,400+) Maltese people or people living in Malta to date as well as Lorna Vassallo’s profiles which have 5,000 friends each.  All this when the circulation of most of the Maltese printed daily newspapers is twenty three thousand (23,000).

However none of our sponsors are obliged to be mentioned.  Some of our sponsors prefer to be mentioned at the activity hall only or with the winner of the voucher only.  Other sponsors just offered us free services such as free transport or free help from their own office.  Some of our sponsors have already gained new regular faithful clients thanks to the winners at Lorna Vassallo’s activities.  Have a look at the vouchers offered by other sponsors and decide whether you’d like to help Lorna Vassallo this way.  In most cases it is our office that prepares the vouchers for you and therefore there isn’t even the need for you to prepare or sign anything. 

You can contact Lorna and her  team on (Lorna Vassallo Page), 79443906 or or by using the ‘Contact us’ section on this website and we will get back to you.  We thank you in advance for your help.


Taf li l-prodott jew servizz tiegħek ma jintużax minn kulħadd għaliex huwa speċjalizzat eż. Lezzjonijiet tal-kitarra jew tal-pjanu?  Prodotti tas-sajd? Jew tipprovdi servizzi li jqumu wisq flus e.g. kostruzzjoni?  Jew ma tixtieqx iktar xogħol milli għandek? Taf li vawċers li tajt fil-passat ma ssarrfux?  Forsi tixtieq tagħmel reklami fuq il-Paġna tal-Facebook ( ta’ Lorna Vassallo li għandha iktar minn 10,400 ‘like’ u l-profili tagħha li għandhom 10,000 ‘friend’ biss.    Ikkuntattjana fuq (Lorna Vassallo Page), 79443906 jew jew permezz tas-sezzjoni ta’ kuntatt hawnhekk ħalli nkunu nistgħu niddiskutu.

Is the product or service you sell too particular e.g. guitar or piano lessons?  Fishing tackle? Or the services you offer are too expensive e.g. construction?  Or you have more clients than you desire?  Do you know that any vouchers you gave out weren’t availed of in the past?  Perhaps you can just go for advertising on Lorna’s website, Facebook Page ( which has 10,400 likes and her Facebook profiles which have 10,000 friends. Contact us on (Lorna Vassallo Page), 79443906 or or via the ‘Contact us’ section here so that we discuss.

Send an invitation

Inti membru ta’ klabb, grupp jew kommunità?  Qed torganizza xi attività, kunċert jew ikla bejn il-ħbieb jew il-familja?  Tixtieq li Lorna Vassallo tkun preżenti?  Ibgħatilna stedina fuq (Lorna Vassallo Page), jew ċemplilna fuq 79443906 ħalli nkunu nistgħu nipprovdulek l-indirizz postali tagħna.


Are you a member of a club, group or community?  Are you organising an activity, concert or dinner amongst family or friends?  Would you like Lorna to be present?  Send us an invitation on (Lorna Vassallo Page), or phone us on 79443906 so that we can give you our postal address.


Tinsab impenjat/a ħafna.  M’intix interessat fi sponsors jew reklami? Ma tixtieqx turi li qed tgħin lil Lorna Vassallo?  Jew ma tistax tidher li qed tgħin minħabba raġunijiet ta’ xogħol jew ta’ negozju?  Għalkemm il-preżenza tagħkom waqt l-attivitajiet li norganizzaw matul il-kampanja hija ferm apprezzata, u għal kull attività jiġi pprovdut  trasport b’xejn, jista’ jkun li xorta waħda ma tistax tattendi.  U għalkemm l-appoġġ pubbliku tagħkom huwa l-aktar ħaġa apprezzata, donazzjonijiet żgħar biex jgħinu lill-kampanja ta’ Lorna jiġu wkoll aċċettati.  Madanakollu,  Lorna Vassallo tieħu kull prekawzjoni sabiex taċċerta ruħha li għotjiet mogħtija lilha huma ġenwini u mhuma marbuta mal-ebda pretensjonijiet minn min jagħmilhom.  Ċemplulna fuq 79443906 sabiex niddiskutu.

Are you too busy?   Aren’t you interested in sponsoring or publicity? Don’t you want to show you’re helping Lorna Vassallo? Or can’t you show you’re helping because of work or commercial reasons? Although your attendance to activities we organise during our campaign is highly appreciated, and free transport is offered for every activity, perhaps you still cannot attend.  And although your open support is what is appreciated most, small donations to help with Lorna Vassallo’s campaign are also accepted. However, Lorna Vassallo takes all precautions to ensure that donations are genuine and not tied to any expectations by the donor. Phone us on 79443906 to discuss.


Taf b’xi nies li jeħtieġu l-għajnuna tagħna?  Taf lil xi ħadd li jista’ jgħinna bħala voluntier, sponsor, billi jagħmel reklami jew jgħin bi kwalunkwe mod ieħor?  Taf b’xi attività kbira li se ssir fil-lokalità tiegħek li Lorna Vassallo tista’ tattendi għaliha?  Xi nies li jixtiequ verament jattendu għall-attivitajiet imma ma jafux kif ser jikkuntattjawna?  Kun ċert/a li tibgħatilna l-isem tal-persuna, klabb, negozju jew ħanut u n-numru tal-mowbajl fuq jew 79443906  sabiex inkunu nistgħu nikkuntattjawhom aħna stess.


Do you know any people who need our help? Do you know anybody who can become a volunteer, sponsor, advertise and help our campaign in any way? Do you know of any big event happening in your locality which Lorna can attend to?  Any people who would really like to join us during our activities and don’t know how to contact us?  Make sure you send us the person’s, club’s, business’s or shop’s name and mobile number to or 79443906  so that we can contact them ourselves.