How do I find Lorna Vassallo on Facebook?
Lorna Vassallo has 2 Facebook Profiles (Lorna Vassallo & Lorna Vassallo II) and 1 Facebook Page (Lorna Vassallo Page –
A facebook profile has friends. A facebook page has likes. That is how you can view their contents and get updates from them.
A profile has a limit of 5,000 friends and both Lorna Vassallo’s profiles already have 5,000 friends. Sometimes one of these profiles has less because some people would have ‘unfriended’ Lorna but they will never be much less than 5,000. Therefore, Lorna usually cannot accept you as a friend on her profiles.
You can still see Lorna Vassallo’s posts by clicking on ‘Like’ on Lorna Vassallo’s Page ( A page has no limits of ‘likes’. In fact Lorna Vassallo Page already has around 10,400 likes.
So, if Lorna Vassallo does not use her profiles much, why doesn’t she close them down?
Profile 1 is a must. You cannot have a page without having at least 1 profile. Profile 2 was going to be closed down. However, Lorna knows that most of her friends on the profiles are not the same people that have liked her page. So by deleting Profile II she would be unfriending more than two thousand people. Until these people like her page, most probably she won’t delete the profile.
On the other hand, a few people are happy to unfriend themselves (especially when they discover Lorna Vassallo Page has the same content and more and start receiving the same post twice). This way, room for new friends is created. However, Profile 2 is officially not in use anymore.
What happens if you are Lorna’s friend on more than one profile and perhaps on a profile and her page?
Most probably you will receive the same post more than once! Apart from that, Lorna Vassallo and her team check that there are no common friends between Lorna Vassallo (first profile) and Lorna Vassallo II. So you will be unfriended from one of the profiles by our team to make space for other people. Don’t feel offended. If you are unfriended it means you are friends on another profile! After all, you would be missing nothing as none of the profiles has anything different from the page. You are however, definitely missing something if you haven’t liked the Page, as the profiles don’t have most of the posts the Page has. However, if you are a friend on one of the profiles and like the page at the same time, you will be accepted on both. Obviously, you should only like Lorna Vassallo Page – (, full-stop. By being a friend on more than one profile you will be gaining nothing but you may block others from getting to know Lorna Vassallo like you.
I am also a friend of Lorna on one of her profiles. Do I need to like her Page?
Yes. Because Lorna Vassallo does not post all her posts on the profile. You are not seeing all the posts. Worse than that, if you send messages to Lorna Vassallo on her profile she might not even see them. For example, sometimes Facebook itself denies access to Lorna to Profile II.
Which are the profiles and which is the PAGE?
In Profile No. 1 Lorna Vassallo is wearing brown and the cover photo is the Dwejra Azure Window. In Profile 2 Lorna Vassallo is wearing a dress with black straps and the background is the sea. The cover photo shows Lorna Vassallo with the Prime Minister.
But in Lorna Vassallo Page (the most important) Lorna Vassallo’s small photo has a red background and she is also wearing red. The cover photo shows Lorna with Prime Minister Muscat as well. If you are seeing the Facebook Page on a computer screen, then the like button is the first one on the left, just below the cover photo (where Lorna is shown with Joseph Muscat). If you are seeing the Page on a mobile phone, underneath the cover photo on the right, there is Lorna Vassallo’s small photo with the red background, Lorna Vassallo, Politician written in the middle and on the right there is the ‘like’ symbol. This is the ‘like’ symbol you have to click to be able to have updates of Lorna Vassallo’s posts. You can also message Lorna from the ‘Send message’ bar underneath.
Profile Photo 1 |
Profile Photo 2 |
Lorna Vassallo Page Photo |
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Does the Page have the same contents as the Profiles?
Lorna Vassallo does NOT use Lorna Vassallo II. Sometimes posts related to activities are posted but Lorna Vassallo does NOT check messages on this profile regularly.
But she has to use Lorna Vassallo (Profile 1). For security reasons, e.g. cybercrime, one cannot have a Page without having at least one profile.
All posts are posted on Lorna Vassallo PAGE only ( However, sometimes Lorna Vassallo or her team, cannot post directly to the page. So they have to post to the profile first, then to the Page. That is why there are also some posts on the profile.
This means that the Page has many more posts than Profile 1. On the other hand, the posts on Profile 2 are rare and most of them are only ‘shared’ by Lorna Vassallo (Profile) or Lorna Vassallo Page.
Therefore, if you are a friend on one of the profiles you are not seeing all Lorna Vassallo’s posts, but just a few of them.
I have never been in touch with Lorna Vassallo on Facebook. Which is the best place to be ‘friends’ with her? In order not to receive Lorna’s posts twice which of the Facebook profiles or page should I leave and which should I unfriend myself from?
The best thing is to be in contact with Lorna Vassallo PAGE only.
How do I find Lorna Vassallo PAGE?
By typing on Google search.
If you are already on Facebook, go to the Search line (where the magnifying glass icon is) at the top of the screen and type Lorna Vassallo PAGE. If you do not write Page you won’t find the page. Make sure you type PAGE not Pace as another person called Lorna Vassallo Pace will be found. Therefore, make sure you don’t leave out PAGE and make sure that Facebook does not change PAGE into Pace.
Does Lorna know all her Facebook friends?
As it is most probably humanly impossible to remember around 15,000 different people (to date), the answer is no. So please just because you see that someone is Lorna’s friend on Facebook, don’t ask about the person. In any case, Lorna will never reveal her knowledge about anyone on Facebook especially because of her professional and political responsibility. However, yes, Lorna remembers people who say ‘good morning’ and ‘hello’ every now and then and appreciates all their comments. She holds all those who take the extra step to send messages, like posts and especially those who share posts. These people encourage her a lot and she won’t forget them. She has made real friends through Facebook, especially those who she got to know in life, later on, because they attend her activities. As a politician Lorna loves meeting people as much as solving problem and just because she is human she enjoys appreciation more than indifference.
Does Lorna Vassallo see my message herself?
Yes. And she replies herself.
Where should I send messages to Lorna? On the profiles or on the Page?
Definitely on the Page. Lorna Vassallo is logged in Lorna Vassallo Page all the time. However, she is not always logged in Profile 1 or 2 all the time. She has to log out of one profile to access the other. This means that sometimes she is not seeing the messages you send her on a profile for 1 or 2 hours! When it comes to Profile II sometimes Facebook itself does not let Lorna Vassallo access her own Profile II. So, please note that, if you send her a message on Lorna Vassallo it might take even more time. Therefore, if you want your messages to get to Lorna Vassallo in a short time write messages to Lorna Vassallo PAGE only and she will take care of your difficulty as soon as possible.
I sent a message to Lorna on Facebook 2 days ago, and she hasn’t replied yet. What could have happened?
Lorna Vassallo replies to all the messages she receives. However, please understand that she receives hundreds of messages everyday. Some just say good morning, other say hello. Others have real life stories written on them that prompt Lorna to try to solve difficult problems that require phone calls and a chain of emails and letters to Ministries etc.
However, even if a message is just a thumbs up it is pushing other messages to the bottom. So, please send your message again or else write an email to as Lorna is on her computer most of the time of the day, or by any other means indicated on this website.
Is Lorna present on other types of Social Media?
Lorna probably receives hundreds of messages everyday on Facebook. She believes she should see all the messages herself and reply to them herself. She believes that the more places where people can contact her, the more difficult it will be for her to read their messages and reply to them. Lorna already receives messages (sometimes genuine pleas for help) via in person meetings, phone calls, smss, at least two emails, two facebook profiles, one facebook page, this website and other means. This means that if she doesn’t remember how you contacted her, she might lose your contact and never reply to you. So, please, contact Lorna on, (Lorna Vassallo Facebook PAGE)
the Contact us section on this website or
79443906 (sms or phone call) only
Don’t contact Lorna by any other means. If you find Lorna on any other social media, please check when was the last time she used those means, if possible, as it is only in that way that you will know that if you post there your message might take days or weeks to be read!
Is it true that if you ‘like’ Lorna Vassallo PAGE on Facebook you can win a €20 voucher?
Yes. At every Lunch/Dinner Lorna organises she draws a number and if the person walks up with a ‘like’ on Lorna Vassallo PAGE (even if he likes the page there and then or after being called) s/he will win a €20 at a restaurant, hairdresser’s or beauty salon depending on what prize there would be on offer on that day.
Why does Lorna Vassallo have both a website and a Page? How does this affect my messages?
The need for a website apart from a page arose because of the fact that Facebook is a moving thing. Every time a post is posted, former posts are pushed downwards. Therefore, a same day post can end up lost within less than 2 or 3 hours. A website is different. On a website whatever is most important is always accessible, not according to the time it is posted, but according to sections. Unfortunately, this also applies to messages. A message which is posted to Lorna on the same day that she checks her messages might be pushed down by an amount of messages Lorna Vassallo received within only a few hours. Hence, the need to have a website, where, hopefully, less people send emails at the same time.
Do the website and Lorna Vassallo Page have the same content?
No. The Facebook Page has more of Lorna Vassallo’s daily life and many more photos. The website is more selective and contains what is most important. However, there are also a number of common things. For example, regarding activities, they will be announced on both means. Notwithstanding, although the website would have information about it, the Facebook Page might have new information on an hourly basis, e.g. from which localities transport is already available or if any minor changes have been made in the last few days before the activity. Therefore, if you want to be informed to the last minute, better consult both the website and the Facebook Page.
If I have to choose how to contact Lorna Vassallo best which are the most effective ways?
The best ways are by email or the Facebook Page. In order of preference, therefore, as has been said above:
- (best way to contact her)
- ‘Contact us’ section on this website
- (Lorna Vassallo Facebook PAGE)
- 79443906 – sms – written
- 79443906 – telephone call (worst way to contact her)
Lorna is often in places where she cannot answer phone calls: conferences, political meetings, work meetings and television or radio programmes, amongst others. Apart from that, she sometimes cannot reply because she would be in the presence of many other people. Whatever is written is easier for her to find, to see and possibly to reply to in the shortest time possible.
You should also keep in mind, however, that if you have used the cheapest way to contact her, e.g. Facebook, everybody does the same. Even those who do not need to contact her regarding problems. Therefore, sometimes an sms is worth much more than a Facebook message as automatically, Lorna receives less smss than Facebook messages. This means, that the order above could be worth changing a bit, if you see that Lorna hasn’t replied to your Facebook message.